To get the premium support of our official products and services as paying customer, firstly, browse to any part of our website and hover over the navigation menu at the top and click on Help or (Account > Premium Support) or you can also navigate at directly.

If you are not logged in, you will be redirected automatically to our free Knowledgebase Support (which is this article is part of) and from there you will find a note or information about getting support based on your purpose per category or user level which were mentioned on this page in the previous paragraph.

On the Knowledgebase Support page, you will also find both the “All the Tickets” and “Submit Ticket” icons, in which you could use to contact premium support.

Kindly click the Submit Ticket icon or option and then write down the details on each specific fields. Please be detailed as possible in regards to your concern (e.g. provide screenshots for errors, URL, references and recent actions prior to getting the problem with your account).

If it is your first time to get support on the premium support service, the system will collect your email information and automatically registered you for an account for further support issues. You must activate your account first with your active email address to get full access to your account. Keep in mind that if you have a hosting account with us, it is not connected with our support system. You should have to get registered for another account for it.

Once your ticket is created, please give us time to review your concern and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Take note that Premium Support is only available on Weekdays and selected time of the day (from 13:00 to 01:00, GMT+8).

When you successfully submitted a ticket, it will be available on the Support Desk page in your Client Area account found at and when you receive a response, the ticket status will change to reflect that. You will also receive a notification in the email used when creating any support ticket or the email associated with your client account as a customer of ours.

To reply to a support response you can directly reply to the ticket when you opened it and at the bottom will be a reply form. Please do not submit new tickets as replies to existing support tickets. Also, please only ask one subject per support ticket so we could organize all queries inside our support system.

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